Friday, October 4, 2024
Home Tags MNDAA


SAC Targets Local Charities Amid Efforts to Regain Territories

As the State Administration Council (SAC) intensifies efforts to reclaim lost territories, they have also begun targeting local charities. On September 29, a charity organization...

Is the Breakup Between MNDAA and NUG true?

Before the second wave of the 1027 Operation, members of the Federal Political Negotiation and Consultative Committee (FPNCC), which the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance...

Lashio Township Airstrikes Kill Five, Injure Eight

Five civilians were killed and eight were injured when junta aircraft bombed Nam Pong (Nampawng) Village in Lashio Township, northern Shan State on 13...

Airstrike Fears Cause MNDAA to Close Only School in Pang Hsai...

The Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) has ordered the only school in Pang Hsai Town (aka Kyu Koke) in Muse Township, Shan State,...

Junta intensifies troop deployments in Mongyai to cut off logistic routes...

The junta is dispatching reinforcements to its troops stationed in Mongyai Town, Shan State, while attempting to block fuel and supply routes to Lashio...

CHINA PROPOSED PRESCRIBED TALKS: Peace negotiation process nipped in the bud...

Within less than two weeks quite a lot have happened in Myanmar's political arena. First, the Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) was reprimanded to stop...

Junta checks trap Shan youths in Karen State border area

Shan youths are trapped in the Karen State border area because any young people from Shan State are being arrested at Hpa-An Township junta...

MNDAA Denial of Collaboration with NUG

The Nation Unity Government, which is mostly led by elite Burman politicians, has attempted to collaborate with other ethnic armed groups for support since...

China’s Ultimatum May Impact Conflict Dynamics

The Shweli City Security Committee’s recent ultimatum to the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) to immediately halt conflicts has great implications for both the...

Chinese declared official language in MNDAA controlled areas

The Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), the Kokang ethnic armed organisation, has announced that Chinese is the official language in all the areas...