Wednesday, September 11, 2024
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CHINA PROPOSED PRESCRIBED TALKS: Peace negotiation process nipped in the bud...

Within less than two weeks quite a lot have happened in Myanmar's political arena. First, the Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) was reprimanded to stop...

CACOPHONY AFTER SHWELI ULTIMATUM: TNLA reprimanded by China to end civil...

On 29 August, the so-called Shweli City Security Committee (as translated from the statement in Burmese), issued an ultimatum that the Ta'ang National Liberation...

China Shifts its Stance on Myanmar’s Crisis?

Myanmar’s situation remains a complex and volatile issue. According to Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, during the 9th Mekong-Lancang Cooperation (MLC) Foreign Ministers’ Meeting...

Should China be a Peacemaker in the Myanmar Crisis?

China’s influence is the backdrop to the 1027 Operation which led to armed conflict in northern Shan State. Ironically, China was also credited with...

NDAA chairman Sai Leun dies from cancer

Sai Leun, the chairman of the National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA), which controls Special Region 4, also known as the Mong La area, in...

NORTHERN SHAN STATE WAR THEATER : China’s directive ignored by TNLA...

As the offensive raged in northern Shan State, particularly with fierce fighting in Lashio the second biggest city in the whole Shan State, China...

MNDAA Extends Ceasefire Until End of July at China’s Request

The Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), a Kokang ethnic armed organization, announced that the existing ceasefire will continue for a total of 12...

UWSA’s Move May Link to China’s Economic Interests

Troops movements by the United Wa State Army (UWSA) and the Shan State Progress Party/Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA) have caused Myanmar’s complicated civil war...

Forming Myanmar’s New Political System Will Remain an Ideal but Never...

The anti-military groups’ goal of establishing a new political system in Myanmar appears to have dissipated as a result of the failure of key...

Chinese-Mediated Ceasefire: Tensions Stir Among 3BHA Members

The Three Brotherhood Alliance (3BHA) and the Myanmar military-led State Administration Council (SAC) are set to resume cease-fire negotiations in Kunming, China. Both sides...