Saturday, June 29, 2024

Junta Shelling Kills Baby in Panglong Township

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An artillery shell fired by the Military Council on the evening of June 20 June killed a baby and injured four members of her family in Lin Khan, Panglong (ပၢင်လွင်း) Township, located in southern Shan State.

Ma La Pyae Won, aged one year and eight months, died two days after the attack. The rest of the family are receiving treatment for their injuries.

“A shell directly hit their bamboo hut…We feel so sad for them,” said a local man. As it is impossible for them to return home due to the war, he said that the baby’s body was buried in another village graveyard.

Another man, aged 40, said, “Locals were kind by allowing them to hold a funeral service in their village and providing assistance with it.”

The Burma army, based in Soung Pyoung, attacked the village in the south of the township where it and Pa-O People’s Militia Force have been clashing with resistance groups.

There are over 100 houses in Leng Kham village with the majority of the population being ethnic Shan. It is the first time someone in the village has been killed by shelling.

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